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Dream Team Vote: Outside Backs

Our annual dream team vote commences! You are able to vote both on our website as well as on our instagram story page, the athlete with the most total votes will commence.

Things have changed this year, Round 1 will be 4 athletes per pool with the athlete with the most votes going through to the semi-finals next week, followed by the Grand Final with the winners being named to our 2022 Dream Team.

Each of the 15 winners will then proceed to the MVP competition (most valued player). The MVP competition will be made up of our 15 winners plus one wild card. The Wild Car will be one of the 15 runners up in the Dream Team competition.

The winner of the MVP competition will win a custom pair of boots from our friends at the Vain Club with the runner up netting themselves a killer hamper from Shadowball – the skills specialists!

View previous Dream Team winners by clicking here.

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