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Radley scrum sees them dominate Cheltenham

It has been a rain soaked week in Oxfordshire and the Radley pitches had taken a beating, with puddles dotted around and the turf cutting up both Radley and Cheltenham chose to warm up on the surrounding pitches, keeping Bigside as fresh as possible ahead of the game. As the two sides went back to […]

Rugby School vs Cheltenham College – Fixture Watch

As the school year draws to a close, next season’s fixtures are beginning to be planned and the standout fixture of the opening weekend of the 2012/3 season is between two of the oldest rugby teams in the world: Rugby School vs Cheltenham College. Credited with inventing the sport after William Webb Ellis picked up […]

Rugby School vs Cheltenham College – Fixture Watch

As the school year draws to a close, next season’s fixtures are beginning to be planned and the standout fixture of the opening weekend of the 2012/3 season is between two of the oldest rugby teams in the world: Rugby School vs Cheltenham College. Credited with inventing the sport after William Webb Ellis picked up […]