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Website Update: Schools Profiles

In our mission to bring you the most comprehensive and up to date stats that any schools rugby website can offer we have updated our schools profiles section to make it easier to navigate as well as provide our users the opportunity to quickly access interesting stats and facts.

We currently have 230 schools profiles that we have created, we will of course add many more in the future and once we have some luck will add Scottish and Welsh schools to the mix as well. The only reason we have held back on these nations is due to a lack of information, if anyone is willing to help us please do get in touch and if your school is not listed and you would like for it to be we are happy to oblige.

Each school has the following information:

  1. a) City, Country and Region
  2. b) Year Founded, Motto, School Colours
  3. c) Senior, Under 20 and Under 18 internationals produced

So what’s new?

1.Ajax Search

To access a specific school simply type in the “search for school” tab at the top of the page. The results are loaded in real time for your convenience.

You will notice that there are profiles and results within the Ajax search, we are in the process of building a comprehensive list of results across age groups and delving into historical results as well. So far we have collected just under 10,000 results but expect that figure to increase dramatically.


Users are now able to filter by nation and by region. Interested to know which English schools we have profiled in the North? Simply filter “England” by nation and “ENG: North” by region and there we go.

3.Custom Sorting

Users are able to sort by:

  1. a) Title: A simple A-Z listing
  2. b) Year Founded: which are the oldest schools on our database
  3. c) Internationals Produced: find out which schools have produced the most senior, under 20 and under 18 internationals.

4.Multiple Filters and Sorting

If you are interested to know which South African schools have produced the most Springboks then simply filter by country “South Africa” and then “sort by senior internationals” and you will have everything arranged from largest to smallest.

5.Cleaner and Easy to Use Profiles

Instead of clicking on different tabs to find the relevant information everything is now contained on one page making reading a far easier task.

A google map is nested within the posts meaning you will know the exact location of the school with the internationals sections able to be minimized to make navigation far easier.

We welcome all feedback and if there are any issues or mistakes we are happy to correct them.

To take a look at our new schools profiles area simply click here.

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